Fellowship Council Report - United Bible Societies

October 18, 2023


On behalf of the Fellowship Council, it is a pleasure to present a report on activities within our Fellowship since the last World Assembly in 2016. It is impossible to capture everything, so what follows is an overview and a snapshot of our life together in Bible ministry over the last 7 years.

First and foremost, our thanks and praise go to God who has made all our ministry achievements ossible. In all our contexts we seek to serve the church, God’s agent of mission. As we share the Bible, work together, pray together, collaborate on projects, and support one another, we are entirely ddependent on God to bring fruit for the Kingdom of his Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit.

I trust that as you read this report you will be encouraged. The strength of our fellowship is directly related to the health and vitality of each Bible Society. You have made a contribution to what this report represents. As a Fellowship Council, we thank you for your work and faithfulness. The Global Mission Team play a significant part in supporting and serving Bible Societies. They are often the glue that helps hold us together!

We are grateful to each member of the team and to Michael Perreau and Dirk Gevers for their leadership. As we look back and give thanks, we also want to learn from our mistakes. May the Lord lead us forward and help us to be obedient to all he wishes to do in us and through us for his glory.

In his service,

Elaine Duncan

Chair of the Fellowship Council and Board of Trustees

Follow this link to read/download the Fellowship Council Report


UBS Communications
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E: communications@biblesocieties.org