UBS delegation visits China - United Bible Societies

May 10, 2023

In late March, a five-member UBS delegation visited our ministry partners based in Shanghai, Nanjing and Beijing, China. The delegation included: Dirk Gevers, UBS Secretary General; Daniel Loh and Bernard Low, China Partnership Co-Directors; Cassandra Lim, China Partnership Relations Manager; and Kua Wee Seng, former Director of China Partnership.

As the UBS delegation was the first overseas delegation to visit China after three years, the Chinese partners placed special importance and significance on this visit and showed warm and generous hospitality. In every meeting, close connections were renewed, new friendships were made, updates were shared, areas of collaboration were explored, and invitations to visit one another were extended. UBS renewed its commitment to our Chinese partners to build on our legacy of friendship, mutual respect and collaboration.

The visit of the UBS delegation included meetings with several strategic partners. Throughout the trip, the UBS delegation shared with our Chinese partners the international, inter-confessional and incarnational nature of UBS ministry philosophy and our mission of making the Bible available, accessible, and affordable.

Reflecting on the visit, Dirk Gevers, UBS Secretary General, shared: “I firmly believe that God had an appointment for UBS in China that week. The doors were opened to our future work in China post-COVID, and the detail of the work in this new season began to take shape. The UBS delegation is thankful to God that we could make this long-anticipated trip, which also took place in spring, and spring, as our Chinese partners reminded us, signals a new season, fresh beginnings, and new life. Please remember in your prayers the Church in China and the work God has called us to do amongst them.”

Daniel Loh, China Partnership Co-Director (Operations), declared: “Making this trip after three years of the pandemic felt like a homecoming and a warm reunion for Wee Seng and myself. I am thankful to God that we could build on the good work and strong legacy of friendship accomplished by our past leaders. With the doors still open to UBS, I am prayerfully optimistic about opportunities for future collaboration. We should treasure the relationship with our Chinese partners that has been cultivated over the years based on honour, trust and mutual respect.”

Bernard Low, China Partnership Co-Director (Ministry), said: “This was my first trip to China in my capacity as the Co-Director (Ministry) of China Partnership. It was very eye-opening, instructive and deeply moving for me. The good and trusted name that UBS has with the authorities and churches, and the strong relationships that UBS has built with our Chinese partners, is a testament to the faithful and tireless efforts of past leaders who have laid a strong foundation for us to build on. Hearing reports of how our collaboration with our Chinese partners has borne fruits in wider Bible distribution, deeper Bible engagement and the growth of churches and believers cannot but warm my heart. Much remains to be done. Churches need more pastors, lay preachers and equipped laity. Seminaries stand in need of more biblical scholars. Believers would benefit from access to more biblical resources for their spiritual growth and equipping for ministry. The Chinese churches seek to be understood and to play their role in global Christianity, and we can serve as a bridge for them to the wider world. With China now opening up, with the doors still open to UBS, and with the goodwill we continue to enjoy, I am excited by the prospects of deepening our friendship and partnership with our Chinese partners, expanding our areas of collaboration with them, and facilitating mutual visits and exchanges between them and our UBS Fellowship – all for the cause of advancing our Bible mission in China.”


In 1985, a clear call was given to the UBS Fellowship to raise funds for a Bible press in China. The result was the establishment of Amity Printing Press in 1987 through the coordinated fundraising efforts of 36 Bible Societies and two UBS Regional Centres. Today, UBS China Partnership continues to serve as a bridge connecting our Chinese partners to the UBS Fellowship and overseas churches, enabling millions of Chinese to be blessed with the Word of God.


UBS Communications
PH: +44 7389 882143


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